Hello to all my friends...I haven't written in a while as classes and personal obligations kept me from my musings. Well, kept me from my written musings, at least. Finally,
I have an 8 day break from classes. Wow, I really thought it was more like two weeks - I go back for the second summer session on July 23. It's been a really difficult semester with a total of 73 papers completed in 10 weeks. That's a lot of research and constant writing! Next semester is more technical, so I think there'll be less writing.
My world has been full of housekeeping duties in addition to classes. Not the bucket of pinesol and a capful of bleach cleaning...the kind that mandates a shrug of the shoulders and a deep, heavy, sigh. How do you say goodbye to people who have been a part of your life for a very long time? How do you reconcile the distance between you and them that time and the pursuit of dreams have created? There's no good way. You either stay mired in the muck of the stress the relationship causes or you move forward thankful for opportunity to have had them in your life at all. I move forward - hoping only good things and happiness for them. I have always believed people can only do to you what you allow them to do...I do not allow them to wreak havoc or undue stress in my life anymore.
Eve and I have a friend whose alcoholism has become more than I can bear. He is Eve's dear friend, although I don't really understand why. He and I have nothing in common and every time we see him, he wants a psychotherapist - not a friend. He has been kind to us...helped us when we really needed it, and loaned us his vehicle until my new tires come in (we're on a donut right now). He has been staying here because he's afraid to park his motorcycle at his apartment and that's what he's been using for transportation while Eve uses the truck. Each night when he gets in from work; before a hello, how was your day, or any other pleasantry...it's a beer and a shot of crown. He gets completely inebriated by 9pm. The night before last he got up in the middle of the night after wetting the bed and then passed out naked in the middle of the bedroom floor. Enough is enough. It angers me because of Eve's unwillingness to sever the friendship - or at least lay down the groundrules, I am forced to be an enabler. He's leaving this evening, and I have asked Eve to not allow him to return for overnight visits anymore. She is willing to do that, at least.
So...finally a breather. A new job on Monday, no school for a week, a clean house, and a clean mind. Whew...
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