Thursday, February 24, 2011

Almost done

Well, this semester is almost over and I am down to my last three classes, plus my comprehensive exam. It's been a long haul, to say the least. Once I finish my Master's, I will have five weeks before starting my PhD.'s only three years. I am so excited.

I will start seeing clients in a couple of weeks. That has me excited, too. I will only be case manager at the Montrose Counseling Center, but it's a start. Everyone has to start at the bottom, so I am thrilled just to have the experience.

Things are going pretty good, here. Melvin is a good house guest (better than we have ever had). He's very neat, doesn't drink, doesn't do drugs, respects our space and our 'territorialism'. He found a car and we're excited for him. Our rules have always been that you have to have a job within two weeks of moving in, and you have to arrange for your own transportation. Well, Melvin got a car on Monday, and today he is going for a second interview at Pizza Hut. He also has a friend who is the manager at the local Kentucky Fried Chicken, so he's going there to seek employment, too. I think he will get his life back together quite nicely. His magic move-out date is September 10, 2011. That's enough time to save enough money for a small apartment and the deposits. We want Melvin to experience the independence that he lost as his family shunned him when he came out. He's spent the last five years couch surfing, job surfing, and that has taken a toll on his self-confidence. We're hoping this experience will encourage him and give him the tools to thrive again.

On Tuesday I posted an ad in the Kingwood paper to give Clark G. away. He's so active, a little aggressive, and Frodo was scared of him. Tuesday evening a lovely couple and their 13 or 14 year old son came to meet Clark and they fell in love with him. They took him home with them and the woman called me three times the next day to find out if Clark was housebroken (Yes, but we have a doggie door - he doesn't know how to ask to go out), if he is crate trained (we tried, we failed), and if he's ever been left alone (yes, and he did fine). Well, yesterday, after about 30 hours of having Clark, the family brought him back to us. Apparently, he destroyed shoes, hats, DVDs, and pottied all over their house. I think it was separation anxiety because he's never been terribly destructive. He does the normal puppy stuff like stealing my slippers, or chewing things that he shouldn't, but he's never chewed up the DVDs (and he has access to them). Anyway...I must assume that he is meant to live with us. He is happy, Eddie is happy, and Frodo doesn't act afraid of him now. We love him very much and it was so hard to give him away...guess we weren't supposed to.

So...guess I have carried on long enough. Sometimes I don't have anything important to talk about..just the need to talk. Thanks for listening....


Unknown said...

Kim- you and Eve are such giving people. I don't know if I could take someone in, other than family. (tried that, been stolen from) Though maybe Melvin is like family to you?
As to turning someone out just because they are gay, what's up there?
You guys take care.

Tricha said...

Hey girl,
I am glad you are going to get started working with people after all your hard work studying. It is both exciting and kinda scary. I know that is how I feel as I approach student teaching.

I am glad that Clark got to come home and you are all able to get along. I know how much you love all your furry family members.

Melvin is lucky to have friends like you and Eve, but I am glad that you have clear boundaries as we did not and it almost messed up our friendship with our houseguest.

I miss you guys so much...A bbq MUST be planned very soon. Maybe Easter up here...whatcha think?

kim andersen said...

Thanks, Terry...Eve and I believe that if you really care for someone you would not let them be homeless. Eve once lived in a tent, and I lost everything because of summer's important that we give back to those who helped us when we couldn't help ourselves...the only way to do that is to share our good fortune (even when we're just struggling through - at least we have a roof).

Tricha, I am both excited and scared. I will be working with people's fragile minds...that's a lot of responsibility. We, too, are so happy to have Clark home. The experience worked almost like a timeout works for children. Since he's come home, he much more a member of the family. Weird. A BBQ is in order...we'll have to see if I have to work that weekend before we commit. Hope David gets the job. a 3rd interview is always a good sign.

Love you guys and hope to see everyone very soon. If nothing else...I think we'll see you in May at Kathy's graduation...right?

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