Monday, May 9, 2011

Trying this once again

Finally - well again, finally...We are in our home by ourselves. After a terrible exchange of words, Melvin has moved out. We feel badly that he claims he has nowhere to go; however, we cannot and will not support someone and provide a home when he has no interest in helping himself out of the muck. I won't go into elaborate detail, but I will say that in the three months he has lived with us, he has made a sum total of 270.00 in contributions...180.00 of that in food stamps. So...if he doesn't want to help himself to a better life, we're not going to present the silver platter at our own expense.

We love our new home. It is perfectly sized for me and Eve. We are enjoying our courtyard and the peace and quiet at our end of the complex. Chris and Amy visit..that's awesome! It's the perfect place for use to get back to the joy of sharing life together...we've been missing that for the last few years.

I am almost done with classes. My Master's will be conferred in August and it's on to my PhD program in September. I am excited and SOOOO ready for it to be over.

Gonna lots of papers. Love to all


Unknown said...

I'm glad you guys are settled in and alone.
Room mates are usually a pain especially when they have no asperations.
Missed you!

kim andersen said...

We miss you too Terry!!! Maybe we'll be able to do some great summer get together this year...camping at some lake half-way between us all would be too much fun!!!!

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