Sunday, April 18, 2010

It just wouldn't be normal

Friday's housekeeping and work went smoothly and the fresh smells of printer ink on a completed research paper, PineSol with a smidge of bleach, Gain infused Downy on clean sheets, System Biologe shampoo and conditioner mixed with BeautiControl Sea scrub and finally, garlic and onion roasted chicken permeated the rooms of my house and lightened my heart with the spirit of accomplishment. Aha, but just when I think everything is in order, I find out that the energies of life deem drama as the mainstay of my existence.

Saturday is Lunch Bunch for me, Dad, Mom, and Tim. We meet at Kenny & Ziggys in the Galleria and eat Turkey Pastrami and Turkey while we discuss politics, the movies we've seen, the week's events, and upcoming plans. It's a great time to enjoy each other and keep up with each other's lives. More casual than a family gathering, this time is more like a friendship circle without the stressors of being on best behavior and appropriately dressed for dinner. I enjoy this Saturday ritual even though there are times when the conversations become heated or the topics are a tad boring.

This Saturday started out as usual. Gabbing and laughing. I brought everyone a list of unclaimed moneys I had found. I knew if I merely told them about the opportunity they would have been interested, but never followed through. Dad has over a thousand dollars in unclaimed funds! Mom has money, but doesn't want to take the time to claim it...she thinks it's too much trouble for 52.17. I think that the money is hers and she should get it...Dad took the sheet with her information and will probably have Joyce check it out.

Lately our meetings are a little strained because Mom is angry with me about something. She hasn't told me what it is, but then again, I haven't asked. For the last three or four months Mom has found every opportunity to speak derrogatively about me and refuses to say I love you back when I tell her I love her. When the incident with Frodo happened my Mother told me that she found it difficult to love me even though she tries (I am okay with it as much as anyone can be...this is the same woman who told me that if she could do it all over again, she would not have adopted ME and the same person who refused to speak to me or her grandson for fifteen years). I love her and that's all that matters - really. She'll either get over this perception of wrongdoing I have done, or she will tell my what's eating at her.

As we were about to leave the restaurant, Dad received a phone call from Chris. He had a motorcycle wreck Friday evening and found out on Saturday that he broke three vertebrae (One in his neck and two in his upper back). Initially, we didn't know how serious the injury was. Dad's first remark was about his assumption that Chris' assumption was that since Chris is uninsured, there is expectation of money. Mom's first reaction was to say that Chris was completely irresponsible and should have known better than to ride a motorcyle. I lost my mind and yelled at my PARENTS!. First and foremost...neither I nor my brother think our parents will pay for anything...we're in our forties - secondly, my brother is a biker..the truest kind...wind in the face, freedom of the open road, Harley Davidson, ape hanger holding... biker. Anyone who lives to ride feels the same way..."it's not a matter of 'if' you will wreck, it's a matter of 'when'". Stuff happens! I think the rents were surprised by my vehemence.

Chris was transferred from Brenham to Temple to be seen by a neurosurgeon. Temple is 167 miles from me, but apparently, I am the only one concernced with going to visit him and make sure he has what he needs. That makes me mad. As a parent...I don't care how inconsequential a hospitalization seems...I would be there for my son no matter how far or how inconvenient. The kids have my car with them in Somerville, so I will be going today when they get back. Surgery is not necessary and it appears Chris will be released tomorrow. I'll camp out in his room and then we'll leave as soon as he's released.

Today's post is merely a ranting. No pretty or flowery words, just facts. I could write pages and pages about the dynamics of my dysfunctional family. As cathartic as that may be, now is not the time. So, while my house is in order, the pscyhodrama of my relationships is once again in turmoil. It just wouldn't be normal if there wasn't some weirdness on my plate.

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