Monday, December 19, 2011

My Crazy Life

My world has been topsy turvy for the last couple of months, but the past 10 days have been the most difficult.

I had a wonderful time in Hawaii even though I didn't get to see much of it. We went to class early in the morning, and didn't get out until the sun was down. So...the beach in the moonlight is gorgeous!!!!!

I did a tiny bit of cost so much to attend this residency. I was able to get a hat and a shotglass for Eve. My friends got a t-shirt, a hat, a box of chocolate covered macadamia nuts and a coffee cup. I got a t-shirt and a coffee cup...and of course, as is mine and Eve's tradition...a refrigerator magnet. Sum total of souvenirs...150.00 (can you believe those few things cost that much?!!!!).

The horrible thing that happened is that the day before I left for Hawaii, Mister Frodo seemed to be in distress. He often has trouble breathing so we chalked it up to a change in climate and the stress of seeing my suitcases. Whenever I am gone, he will not eat, mopes around, and acts like the world is going to end. This coincidence masked the fact that Mister was dying. I would call Eve every day and ask how he was doing, but she felt he was okay and having no more difficulty than usual. When I returned from Hawaii, I realized my little guy was close to death - severely dehydrated and not getting enough oxygen. I spent most of the day on the phone with the vet since our finances are so bad, I couldn't afford to just run in there all willy nilly with no way to pay. (It's reprehensible that there's no emergency care for pets like there is for humans...if you don't have money...the vet won't see you). Anyway...we're fortunate to have a wonderful vet who met us at his office on Monday night and took Frodo in, stayed with him all night, and helped him make the transition over the rainbow bridge in our place. Dr. Bryant cried with us the next morning and allowed us to pay in payments. The bill was 571.60.

I miss my little dog so much that it hurts as though I have lost a human. I never thought I would be that affected; however, I break down during the day periodically. It's been a week since Frodo left my side, and I feel like this pain will never subside. Even though I know it will....I just cannot bear it.

If you can't tell...I am in a bit of a funk. Last night Eve decided that she would like to go Christmas shopping. She was excited and happy and then we entered the store. Eve is the worst shopper's frustrating and difficult to go with her. She says things like I know what to get our family members and that I understand them and their tastes. Then when I pick something I know they will really enjoy...she refuses to agree, doesn't want to get "THAT", and makes me miserable in the process. Eve is happy to go to Walmart and one-stop Shop....I hate that!!!!! In the mood I am in...if I get ONE more stock gift or sub quality gift from that place...I WILL SCREAM and throw a tantrum!!!!! It just takes planning and shopping to find the perfect gift for someone...whether you have 10 dollars or 10 thousand dollars doesn't limit the possibilities of finding that one special thing someone will treasure forever. You just have to think about the person...who they are...what's important to they dress, what kind of car they have...where they work...all those things speak to what a person stands for...once you get that...getting a gift isn't all that difficult. For Eve...I would suggest she stick with gift cards and let everyone choose their own present!

Okay, gonna go...shouldn't be writing in this weird mood.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Updating the drama

So..I said I would keep you posted in the Thanksgiving festivities around our home.

First, Christopher still hasn't spoken one word to me. In addition, He and/or Amy tried to pull a fast one with their one remaining line of cell phone service. Eve and I would have missed it if they hadn't screwed themselves in the process. Apparently one of them logged into Tmobile using the administrator account (probably Eve's since I changed my password the day of the trouble a month ago) and changed the administrator permission for Amy's phone number. Then, they changed the minutes allowed to unlimited (which is an additional fee of 20.00 per month). When this was done, Tmobile offered a limit on FREE minutes to 1000. They chose the option (Didn't really understand what they were doing). So....On Friday evening, Amy's phone stopped allowing phone calls. She texted and begged me to turn the phone back on; unsuspend Chris' line; or give her more minutes. Eve and I checked her minute usage and she still had 123 left (they are only allowed 500 minutes per month). To make this long story short...while at the theater on Sunday, Amy sent another text asking me to PLEASE turn her phone back on...I had had enough and called Tmobile to find out why Amy's phone wasn't working. That's when we find out about what they did and how they shot themselves in the foot. Because they chose the option to limit FREE calls to 1000, all the weekend calls are free, and her phone wouldn't permit calls once she reached that amount of minutes. I think it's hilarious!!!!! So, I let them know that I found out what they did...fixed the problem with Tmobile and will suffer no additional costs...and told Amy that she has until January 1 to get her own phone...we're turning off the phone that date with no exceptions. So...we won't be seeing the kids for Thanksgiving.

I sent the letter my Dad asked me to send to my Mother in regard to her accusations of theft. First...the letter did not reach her. I sent it to the wrong address (7402 instead of 7502). Of course, anyone who knows my paperwork demon understands that this kind of thing is to be expected in my life. Since the letter didn't arrive as it should have...Dad had a moment of suspicion and believed I had not sent the letter - and worse...maybe was guilty of what I was accused. Next, I corrected the address and re-mailed the letter. Mom did receive it because I sent it registered mail. Mom tells Dad she is NOT coming to Thanksgiving at the ranch. My brother calls Joyce (Dad's office manager and personal assistant) and tells her that he and Lauren will not be attending Thanksgiving because Mom will not be there. (I knew this was going to happen). Dad was beside himself with grief...he had built up some unrealistic family reconciliation. Finally, I received a response to my letter, yesterday. In a nutshell...Mom does not believe my innocence, claims that I paid for the cruise tickets in 2008 with money stolen from my Dad (because there was a problem with mine and Dad's credit cards around that time and she told me to give back the cruise tickets[which weren't purchased through dad's card] and I refused). OMG!!!! Oh My God!!!!

So, Dad, Tim, Eve, and I have decided that we are going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving with no mention of THOSE people. Enough is Enough!!!!! I have decided that a relationship with my Mother is not all that wonderful. I spent 15 years with not one word from her. During that time, I idealized what our relationship used to be like and how nice it would be to have that again...I am perfectly content to go back to missing her, and remember only the good times. I don't like how she makes me feel. I like me, and many people like me. I refuse to allow her to make me think there's good reason they shouldn't.

I intent to love my brother from a healthy distance...This isn't the first time he has said something horrible about me to ingratiate himself into Mom's life again. They are perfect suited to one another. I don't wish to participate.

I am fortunate to have my Dad and will cherish whatever time there is left for us. He genuinely loves me and even likes me. I feel the same about him.

As for my REAL family...their last name is Tate, Scott, Mann, Spaniel, Wilcox, Sutton, Sheffer, and any other I have forgotten. These are the people who love me unconditionally and treat me like an interesting person and not a person of interest. I love you all, those of you who read this, and those who may hear it from the grapevine. I am grateful, thankful, and so honored to be part of this family!!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A little time..I hear it has healing properties.

So...a week has gone by since Chris' temper tantrum. There is still no word from him, or even about him. I am okay, though. It is amazing that even the anger has dissipated. I am just over it, and waiting for the reconciliation.

Speaking of reconciliations...on Tuesday (when the pain of my son's actions are still fresh), my Dad calls to let me in on why my mother decided to stop speaking to me last year. WOW...first and foremost...WOW. Well, apparently my mother was given information about me that she is believing as, "God's truth". This information could have only come from my brother and it is in regard to activities at Texas MEP where I, Eve, and my brother worked in 2008-2010. So, here's the newest list of things I have done....

I stole "$2500.00 or more" from Texas MEP...I stole $1600.00" from my Dad, and I have stolen some undisclosed sum of money from my mother. WELL SHIT...first...I didn't steal anything from anyone, second...If I had stolen $2500.00 or more wouldn't I have been arrested? If I had stolen that much money from my father...does anyone think he would be speaking to me (We all know that he stops speaking over bad grades), and if I had stolen money from my mother...why on earth would she refuse to disclose an amount?

If the problem with Chris wasn't enough...this added fuel to my fires of regret and guilt. Always the scapegoat, always the reason my family is miserable, and forever paying for the sins of my past. At least that's how I felt for about 10 minutes. Then I remembered...I paid my debt, I strive to be the best person I can be...I have made amends. Finally, I am worth loving, I am strong, victorious, brave, and most of all...I deserve to be treated like a person and not like a suspect.

To appease my father, I sent my mother a letter with my letters of recommendation from a company I supposedly stole from, enclosed. However, Thanksgiving will be interesting, and I hope it doesn't turn into a fiasco I should have simply avoided. Eve and I laugh about it, and say that we should just make the day trip to Bossier and spend the day with people we love, and who love us without condition or exception.

Will keep you posted on how Turkey Day turns out....If nothing else, this wake up call was for me. It was an opportunity to remind me that I am somebody worth loving. It's amazing how far from that concept the last few years of constant scrutiny and recrimination has done to undo what Pat, Kathy, Tricha and Eve taught me so many years ago...I am loved beyond measure for being myself...even with all my faults and frailties intact.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Whole lot of Pain

The last day and a half have been very painful for me. I must look at the situation as a wake up call, and a reminder about how far I have come in my life. There have been times when I forget, when I choose to overlook the accomplishments, and when I measure what I have on what I think I deserve.

Unfortunately, Christopher decided the best place to air his anger and spew his venom is on a public forum - FaceBook. Chris decided it was his right to post about my prison interment and his loss of a mother for all those years right there on his page for the whole world to see. I am not worried about his friends, or my friends and family...I am livid that now, my co-workers, and colleagues in school, and friends who do not know about my past have opportunity to judge me based on a past they know nothing about.

Still, as angry as I am...I did what I did...I did spend 8 years in prison...I did leave my child (not to fend for himself, though - he was left with someone I trusted and cared for). It was not Chris' right to post that, but neither was it his choice those many years ago.

Here's the thing...rather than be proud of how far he and I have come since that time; rather than cherish the relationship we have been able to build in the 8 years since I have been home; rather than appreciate that he had a wife who loved me anyway...came to visit me in prison...let me care for the kids; rather than be thankful that I kept my life on hold, tied up our money, and risked everything to ensure his well-being all the years; Chris decides to wallow in the loss of his adolescence.

When I came home from prison, we worked through the time-line as though nothing had changed. Chris acted 14 - I treated him like he was 14. He got video games, and a place to stay...he got my full attention (even when that attention was a disservice to Eve), Chris got my advice, my chastisement, my support, and my undying devotion as a good mother. Our relationship mimicked that of a kid growing up and mother learning to accept her child's independence. It was a hard row to hoe, but I thought we had done it.

I know how angry my son is - and has a right to be. I have begged him to yell, scream, tell me how much he hated me for leaving. I have begged him to see a counselor. Nope...he's not ready. When he split from Kristi, I think he lost himself and the image of family. Every step has been in the direction of replacing what he threw away.

The most difficult part of this rift is the knowing that it is the final step for his adulthood. For some, the baby goes away to college, for others they simply watch their child walk down the aisle to a new and separate life...for me and Chris this is the necessary step for him to experience what it is to CHOOSE to leave home and live it on his own terms. I can accept that. I may not like how it feels, but at least, I can recognize it for what it is.

As for how he has treated Eve, as for "outing" me on FaceBook...Eve says she will never forgive him. I know she will. She has been a part of his life since he was 18 years old - he's almost 31 now. It will be a long time, though - I know that.

I sit here and think about how much this is part of the plan, but I cannot stop the tears streaming down my cheeks and the hole in my heart that hurts so bad, I am unsure of where to put the pain. It's the hardest thing I have ever done. But, this too, shall always does.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Being Andersen

My son is truly and Andersen. Whether he likes that, or continues on his current path, his actions prove his "Andersenship" more than ever.

I don't remember if everyone remembers what happened in 2009 - right after the cruise, but Chris ended his marriage to Kristi, took his children from their Rayville home for a month, and started living with a woman who was a well-known drug dealer in the Brenham area. Chris was using meth amphetamines (He had a psychotic break in April of the same year and spent a day hallucinating about people with guns all over the property). Eve and I did what we could - short of hospitalizing him - to get him safe. We called Kristi to come help since she would be the only person who could commit him, if necessary. Instead, Kristi got Chris to return to Rayville with her, and we hoped the worst had passed. Little did we know at the time, it was just a waiting game.

In my professional opinion, Chris suffered some irreparable brain damage from that experience because he has never been the same. There was a clear and distinct personality split wherein Chris decided to use his "real" name, Jacob. (That's long story and perhaps I will share it one day). Chris moved back into our home in October of 2009 under the guise of working for T A Design. He started seeing the same girl he was seeing during his drug episode. While Eve and I were away on the family cruise, Chris had the girl and her two children living in my home without permission and then lied about whether or not she was there. When we found out, he was livid and Eve and I were just being mean. During that time, I had also advised Chris to get his kids if he wanted them...I didn't mean GO get the kids, I meant, fight for them and reasonable visitation. Anyway, he and his new girlfriend went to Louisiana and took the kids out of school and Dylan and Alex lived with Chris and Dee and her drug warped father, and step-mother, and their children in a three bedroom, single wide trailer for one month. Eve and I failed, in that we let Kristi stay in our home...taking away Chris' only safe place on earth - but I cannot change the past...he was living in his insanity, and Eve and I made a bad decision.

During that time, Jacob allowed his live-in girlfriend to send text messages to me counting the numerous occasions I have failed as a mother. She cussed, accused, and 'told me all about myself'. I can handle the truth of what I did or didn't do for my son as he grew into adulthood. I am responsible for my actions. I am not; however, responsible for what he chooses, and how he lives his life - TODAY. Still I was (and always will be)willing to hear what he has to say and power through whatever he needs to get off his chest so he can move forward in life. Chris - no Jacob - decided to never speak to me again. He called Eve every name in the book and the venom he spewed was just as toxic as the drugs he consumed.

Once again, Chris ended the relationship with the girl and moved in with me and Eve. There were profuse apologies, cards and letters expressing his sorrow, and a repair of the relationship between Chris and Eve. It wasn't long, though - that Chris got into another relationship. He started seeing Amy, the girl with one child living with the father and one child growing in her belly. Gage and Kaleob have become just as important as my own, blood, grandchildren even though they belong to Amy and her ex.

We allowed Chris and Amy (Amy only calls Chris Jacob)to move in with us, and it's been a fiasco ever since. They finally moved into their own place in April of this year.

All of this back story is to get to the point that Chris - no Jacob - has decided, once again, that he no longer has a mother, wants a relationship, or loves and respects Eve. All of this over the fact that Eve and I have new phones and he and Amy still have old ones. So...let me break down the things he has gotten since my return home in 2004:

Eve and I got our new house in May of 2004 and Chris, Kristi, Dylan and Alex moved in with us the same day. They lived there- rent free - for three months and then Eve and Chris got into a fight about the electric bill and Chris and his family moved out to Ed's house for about 6 months. Then they moved back in with us. They lived there for another year, and then moved into their own place until they could not pay the bills. They moved to Rayville to live with Kristi's mom for a few months. In June of 2006, Eve and I moved to Houston to attend the University of Houston. We lived in a one bedroom, loft apartment. Chris and the family moved in with that little bitty October of that year. They lived there, rent free, until they found their own apartment. Eve and I moved to a townhouse on the southeast side of Houston, and it wasn't even a month until they moved in again. Again, rent free. Then Chris and Kristi went back to Rayville while I was on the archaeological dig (2008). When I returned, and Eve and I moved into the Belcamp house and then begins the rest of the story.

During all these 'live-ins', we have NEVER charged rent...we have only ever asked for Chris and his family to provide food. We have provided them with cell phones - at no cost - and allowed Chris to have the phone he wanted. Well, the phone was exactly what he wanted until it wasn't anymore, and then it was a POS that we tried to pass off to him. We have fed him, clothed him, let him use our car without restriction, given him gas money, and bought his cigarettes.

Each time, the use of our things has diminished in value to the point that Chris believes we owe him and are passing him over. Kristi wrecked my Mustang and then said, "They would HELP pay for the repairs"...Chris took my Ford Five Hundred to places I told him I didn't want it to go. He left me without transportation when my brother was in a motorcycle accident because he didn't want to come back (So, he just stopped answering the cell phone we provided for him, and came home with a story about how he fell asleep on the side of the road because he was so tired). He used my car to go back and forth to work 60 miles away (that's 120 miles a day)leaving me without my own transportation, and had the nerve to refuse to pay for oil changes and new tires when the time came due and there was no choice but to do those things or damage the vehicle. When they moved into the Forest Bluff house, I put them in the guestroom, but that wasn't good enough, or big enough, so I had to move my office out of the huge, back room, so they could have a place that felt comfortable. It's not that I HAD to do it, but the whining and complaining was incessant, so the decision was made to accommodate Chris and Amy. Then came the 'phone wars'. By default - not request - Eve and I got two new lines so we could get the phones we wanted for free. We discussed this with Chris and Amy prior to making the decision and Tmobile was running a deal that kids lines were free for one year. They wanted the phones and we gave them our old phones. They said they were happy with that, but of course, Chris is never happy. Chris wanted a touch screen so we agreed he could have a new phone as long as it didn't require data. He picked the phone he wanted. We went to the store and I ended up paying 250 for that phone. I could not use the phone I bought, so I offered it to Amy...Chris lost his ever loving mind and took the phone for himself. and gave Amy his phone. When he took my phone, he was told that he would have to pay for the data service (10.00 a month)..he NEVER paid. After a couple of months, we realized that we were going to suffer overage charges if we didn't increase the data for Chris' line - we did...20 a month. Things were okay for a minute. To get the phone I could use, we got another line (Since it was free). At this point there were no upgrades available for use....In July, Eve's line became eligible for an upgrade and she purchased a new phone. It was not the phone she wanted, it was the phone we could afford. Then my original line became eligible, so we bought a new phone for me. Chris took my old phone, but didn't like it and returned it. We had a family pow wow because Chris accused us of using the upgrades that should have been his and Amy's. Thought we had settled the issue (as much as you can settle anything with chris). Then, Chris took Eve's old phone and complained incessantly that he didn't like it. We told them again, that their lines would be eligible for partial upgrade in November of full upgrade in February...they were welcome to use the upgrade and we would even pitch in the 90.00 that Eve spent on her upgrade toward Amy's upgrade since Amy was the only one to never get a new phone. (Wasn't that really nice of us?) Finally, last night the kids came over for dinner and Chris noticed that Eve had a new phone (We bought it on Ebay because it was the phone that she really wanted). He got mad, left the house, and then sent me a text message about how I could turn his phone off because, once again, we didn't get Amy a new phone. WELL SHIT...

Chris decided that I am no longer his mother, he is going to change his name, and Eve is a BullDyke from hell. We owe them phones - for free, apparently. Over the years we have made sure Chris and his family had a roof over their head, transportation to and fro, cell phones and all the family support possible. Our current phone bill is 287.00 per month, for which he has paid a whopping 40.00 in 18 months.

So...whether my son wants to admit it or not...he is more an Andersen than I will ever be. The Andersen's believe in taking away their relationship with you if they disagree...My mom went 15 years without speaking a word to me. The most recent incommunicado has lasted 10 months. My Dad doesn't speak when he's angry, either. Unless you do what they want, you're nothing to them and not worth the conversation, relationship, or love. Here's to another Holiday season spent broken by someone in the family...weehoooo!

All over a phone...really?!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wow...almost an entire month

I have been a blogger slacker as of late. Bad Kimmie, bad Kimmie! Things have been odd, strange, and weird in our world, lately. The whole family had some version of Montezuma's revenge for about 3 weeks. First Amy and the boys had a bug, then Christopher got it, then me, and finally, Eve. Each of us had something terrible to varying degrees and length. Mostly, it was throwing up and trips to the potty with pail in hand (for the occasional explosion that couldn't be contained). It was horrible and left us weak for days afterward. Fortunately, we are all well again! On the upside...I lost 8 pounds as a result of the illness - weeehooo!

I cannot believe I am going to reveal to everyone that I absolutely hate my PhD program. I don't like the forum, the subject matter, or the lack of interaction from professors. I am also amazed by some of my colleagues. HOW did they get into a PhD program, at all!!!!! One student responded to my discussion post about my future plans with a long discussion about how I intend to provide conversion therapy to "Gays". OMG...even the professor had some admonishment for this participant. I haven't seen her name pop up on anymore discussion questions either. Makes me wonder if she withdrew or was asked to refrain from posting...hmmmm. I would love to re-post her entire discussion, but think that might be unethical on a public forum.

Chris has had trouble finding a way to balance work and school and providing for a family. I am not surprised. People like Kathy, Tricha, and I are actually kind of rare. We are able to focus, prioritize, and plan accordingly in effort to achieve a self-imposed goal. It has nothing to do with intelligence (although we're really smart), it has more to do with personal motivation and convictions. So...Christopher is really smart, but not very motivated or focused. He opted to withdraw from classes until next fall. This would have been a wise decision had he not been laid off from work the very next Monday. Now, he's depressed and feels that he just cannot get ahead. Fortunately, the staffing agency found another position for him right away and he starts his new job today. I told him that things work out exactly as they're supposed to - keep his chin up - yadda yadda yadda, and lo and behold the new position is a forklift operator (which he loves) and the hours are more conducive to his internal clock. Chris works 11-8 M-F and every other Saturday. That's perfect for him...he is NOT a morning person! The pay is 2 dollars less per hour, but he'll be able to bring his wage up when he transitions to a permanent employee.

Something funny did occur. We had rain (no that's not the funny part) and Joe has never seen or heard it since his birth. We had a huge storm with thunder and lightning and skies as dark as rubber. Joe's ears laid back, he cowered, and ran through the house like the roof might cave in at any moment. Even Mr. Frodo forgot what a storm was and sat in my lap trembling and shivering. It was funny to see their reactions. Had you been here, you certainly would have been laughing.

Finally, there is big news. After twelve years, (3 spent apart), Eve has asked me the formal question. On September 18th (because she could not wait until my birthday) she presented me with the most gorgeous ring and asked me to be her partner for life. Of course, I said yes (Eve answered my proposal about 5 years ago). We have applied for our marriage license in New York and have three months to go to the New York Clerk's office to get our license. Then we have 18 months to make it official. So....we're having a commitment ceremony for all of our friends and family on May 04, 2013, and we're having a legal ceremony (complete with name change) shortly before that. We've chosen the venue, the colors, and picked our attire. We're making our guest list (approximately 100 people). It's going to be a fabulous and fun event. We're chartering a yacht so the wedding, dinner, and reception are all inclusive. All of our guests will have a room for the night at the resort where the yacht is located, and we're looking into chartering transportation from Shreveport for all of our Louisiana attendees. I was surprised how economical it is for the rooms and a bus (since we don't have to pay a photographer separately or hire a caterer...budget permits us to pay for the rooms and the charter. WEEHOOO We're excited and we hope everyone we know and love is as excited.

Okay, gonna get to work on my papers. I will do better about blogging. Love to all!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First days of my PhD program

Well, it is finally here. I am reading, writing, and thinking critically again. Hmmm, critical thinking skills require thinking outside the box...well, we all do that each and every day - don't we? For instance, 'what shall I cook for dinner' means that I must assess what food is available in my freezer and pantry, what will both Eve and I like to consume in regard to weather, day's activities, and current cravings or desires, how much time will I need or be willing to expend on this particular meal, and finally, what I can I do differently to this meal or this process to make it more tasty or less time consuming. So, I have critically thought about our dinner and decided that grilled chicken with a side of bowtie fettucini and seared asparagus works well for us. Viola' critical thinking in everyday application!

The Walden University portal is very different than the Kaplan University portal. There is much more resource and professor interaction available; however, it is a little more difficult to navigate. Of course, it's all point and click, but first you have to find what to point at. WOW. I am sure I will be a pro at it within the next couple of weeks. I am already enjoying how the pace works. Kaplan's requirements were very taxing with four 4-10 pages of written essay per week with two, one page peer responses per week. That was approximately 40-50 pages of writing per week!!! OMG! Walden requires me to make a thoughtful two paragraph post to the discussion question and respond to one peer with a meaningful continuation or question in two or less paragraphs. That's a breeze for me at this point. Furthermore, I only have two final projects of 15-20 pages for each class. I am stoked about the ability to apply more research and independent thought to my lessons instead of merely spewing out information so I can get all the work completed on time.

I still have a lot to learn in regard to this program. I have residency requirements to meet and am still not sure about how to make that happen. There is an overview, which states that I must attend four residency functions per year, and attend four conferences per year. However, there is not a clear definition of how, when, and where. I can pull up the calendar, but it doesn't really explain which function is specifically designed for Clinical Psychology students. Guess that means I will be speaking to my academic advisor quite a lot in the beginning. At this moment, it looks like I might be travelling to the University of Hawaii in December to attend my first Academic Year in Residency function. I am excited - if that's the case.

On to a different note...Dad's caretakers left him high and dry about two months ago. Since he has been unable to find replacements, I have been going out to the ranch two to three times a month to attend to things while Dad is in Tahoe or New York. It's nice out there, and I love the country living! I stay in the main house and tend to the dogs, water the plants that are not on the irrigation system, and do general cleaning. It's quiet, relaxing, and oh, so wonderful. Even though I have such a nice time, it's still good to get home after 4-5 days away.

All is going well in our home. Our schedules are pretty solid and it's nice to have the routine. I work on the weekends (THU-SAT - with an occasional SUN), and that pays the rent and some of the other bills. It's nice to have the freedom that my income provides. When I go out the country - Dad pays me the wages I lose by not going in to Dog's Day Inn.

Guess I have rattled on long enough...Oh, I have a wonderful recipe for all who are interested.
Pork Loin
Smoked Gouda
Frozen or fresh Spinach
Dried apricot
Garlic Cloves
salt, pepper, and season to taste

*Pound out the loin until a flat piece of meat
*Generously cover the piece with Spinach, apricot, garlic cloves and top with the smoke gouda
*roll the meat so that your filling is spiraled in the roll
*wrap slices of bacon around the loin roll and use toothpicks to keep them in place
*put the loin on the grill using medium heat and cook for approximately 25-35 minutes. Slice into medallions and serve warm.

I post a really generic recipe so that you can experiment and play with seasonings and portions. The meal can be really spicy or very rich depending on your family's taste buds. Eve and I like the deep smoky flavor of the cheese blended with the sweet hint from the apricot. I would not recommend any orange cheeses, but that's entirely up to you. An interesting twist might be to use Raspberry, Pepper Jack, and grilled onions for your filler. Whatever you do...tell me about the results and ENJOY!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Two weeks of leisure left.

I am just a little shy of two weeks left until I start my PhD program. I am excited, and terrified. Research, studying, writing like a mad woman...ooh, it all starts again.

Today I am going out to the country to dog sit and do a few things out at the ranch while Dad goes to Lake Charles. I was supposed to go out on Wednesday as Dad was going to New York, but because of hurricane Irene, the trip was postponed. It'll be nice and quiet. Just an overnight trip this time. Next week Dad needs me from Thursday thru Sunday. Not sure that will work with my job, though. We will see.

I am enjoying my free time. It's nice to have no responsibilities or pressing engagements for a little bit. My house is spotless, I have read a book, surfed the web, and lazed around for several days. It's been nice, real nice.

Well, I will write more when I have some interesting things to say (not that this was all that interesting). Love to all!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What to do with self????

Wow, it's been quite a while since I have posted anything so I thought I would take a few moments to catch up.

Today is my first real day of nothing...absolutely do. I have a free day to watch television, read a book, go for a walk, or whatever it is I WANT to do. My master's coursework is over and I passed with a 3.78 GPA. I am really excited to have that part of my journey behind me. I learned so much and feel like a 'smart person', now.

My hours at work have been reduced to part time again, and I am really glad about that. I work Thu, Fri, and Sat and every third Sun. It's nice and it's a decent little monthly income to help out.

I have been helping Dad with the caretaker responsibilities out at the ranch lately. I went out to Chappell Hill on Friday and stayed until yesterday afternoon. I missed my home and my dogs and cats, but it was nice to stay out in the country and spend time with Barkley and Bentley.

Eve and I are considering propositioning Dad about purchasing the caretaker's house and a couple of acres in exchange for caretaker duties. It would be the perfect opportunity to have a place of our own, solve Dad's problem in finding competent, reliable, and trustworthy people. Don't know if Dad will agree...he has hopes that I will become rich and famous and working for him will limit my ability to pick up and move. What he doesn't understand, and I hope to sway him, is that I am ready to settle down...I don't foresee getting my PhD and then uprooting my life to go live in Boston or somewhere for a prestigious hospital...I want to put down roots and make my degree work for me, wherever I am. At 47 (almost 48), I own nothing and it will be at least 6-8 years before I am able to afford anything...taking on a new mortgage, and trying to get a life going at 54 isn't my idea of using my time on earth wisely. We'll see what we see...huh?

Chris got a job working where Eve works. He is responsible for servicing their hydraulic pumps. He likes the job and it pays well. Finally, he's not working in the fast food or restaurant industry with kids. He'll be able to support his family and continue his education. I am so happy for him!!

Eve loves her job! I am so happy about that. I find it interesting that Eve will always be a "company man". She enjoys working for someone else and doesn't want the responsibility of running her own business. I don't get that, but it works for her, which means it works for us.

Joe is getting so big!!!! He is such a vocal dog. He barks at just about everything. It's annoying, but it's also pretty darn cute. Frodo plays with him sometimes, but mostly just stays wherever Joe ISN'T.

Okay, gonna stop and decide what NOT to do today. Love to all!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

What to do???

Just a rant..needing to rant...sorry y'all.

This morning I am on my computer scoping out my PhD program requirements and trying to figure out when and where I will have to travel. I am of my residency requirements can be met by going to Honolulu in December. There are two offerings of one week (actually 5 day) residency locations in the year 2011. My program requires I attend one residency session within the first 90 days of entrance to the program. There is one in Virginia in December, but to my knowledge, that one is already filled and I cannot register for it. So, the trip to Honolulu would cost me approximately 2600.00 (this includes registration, hotel room, food, and airfare). That's not too bad considering my tuition reimbursement is designed to cover these kinds of expenses.

Anyway...Eve wakes up, and when I go into the kitchen to tell her how excited I am about this first residency...she loses her ever loving mind. First, she thinks I have to do the residency for the entire 3 months and thinks that we have to move because we cannot afford to live in two separate locations. Then she decides that it is stupid for me to pursue a PhD since I can work in the mental health industry with a Master's. Then she rants and raves that it's too expensive and that I will not be able to afford to attend residencies during my educational pursuit.

I don't do well with NO and I don't do well with that kind of negativity. We both knew this endeavor would be very difficult and costly. It is MY passion and nothing will stand in my way of meeting the program requirements...not even money. Eve is the one who believes she is incapable of working and going to school...she is the one who decided to quit school and work full time....Eve is the one who thinks that it's irrational to strive for the highest degree which allows me to do what I feel is a must in my life. Eve talks about going back to school, but still isn't sure what degree she should pursue. She loves architecture, but those programs are difficult to gain entrance into. She thinks maybe she likes engineering (which is what she does anyway) but doesn't know where to go to school. She is considering taking MORE classes which really don't serve any management...REALLY? She has spoken to ITT, but they don't offer any programs other than construction management...I am at wits end in regard to her 'weirdness' about school.

I guess I am writing all this down just to get a handle on what I think...I know that any monetary difficulties with travel and residency requirements will be subsidized by Dad who fully supports my decisions and wants to see me reach the pinnacle of success. That is not to say that Dad will pay for everything, only that if I am short, or need some options...he will definitely help me make the mark. Eve refuses to acknowledge that he will make sure I am able to complete the programs.

Oh well...I know Eve and she will move past this. She will balk, whine, moan, and even yell at me, but in the end...she will support me with all of who she is and be proud of the hard work and diligence I have put into this.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Back to work

Well, the summer money I can make grooming is a choice I am making. The travel and conference expenses I will incur during my PhD program will benefit from whatever I can put away in savings from this summer's work at Dogs Day Inn. I like my co-workers and enjoy grooming enough to make this work out. I am only working part-time Thurs-Saturday and every third Sunday...that's a really doable schedule. I appreciate the opportunity to get what I need to do - done.

Sir Joe Kissyface is growing so fast. He doesn't like to be in his kennel and we have had to stop putting him in there at night. We were starting to see some neurosis from his anxiety with being placed in there...we decided it was best to teach him to stay out and use the potty pad at night...he's doing very well and we've had only a couple of little accidents with this new approach.

Summer is going to be SOOOO hot this year. It's already been 100 degree two days in a row and it's only June 3rd. WOW.

My last session starts on's just comprehensive exams...well, not just...but at least it's almost over.

That's all that's to all!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Again, I have completed a semester with a 4.0 I am so excited because it's been a really difficult bit of coursework. Now, I am on to comprehensives and I will have my Master's degree in about 10 weeks.

Having the house to ourselves is wonderful!!! We both enjoy the quiet peace of each other's company.

My car still isn't running...not enough money to fix the problem. Won't be able to do anything with it until mid July. Boohooo.

I am going back to work grooming. I decided that the money I can earn working Thursday, Friday, and Saturday is just what I need to start saving for my trips and conferences which begin in September.

Just a side note about the rapture...didn't think it would happen the way Camping expected, but if anyone thinks there's nothing going on in our world...just watch 5 minutes of the evening news....hell in a hand basket, I say...hell in a handbasket!

Love to all, and will blog a little during my 14 day down time. Later gators!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Trying this once again

Finally - well again, finally...We are in our home by ourselves. After a terrible exchange of words, Melvin has moved out. We feel badly that he claims he has nowhere to go; however, we cannot and will not support someone and provide a home when he has no interest in helping himself out of the muck. I won't go into elaborate detail, but I will say that in the three months he has lived with us, he has made a sum total of 270.00 in contributions...180.00 of that in food stamps. So...if he doesn't want to help himself to a better life, we're not going to present the silver platter at our own expense.

We love our new home. It is perfectly sized for me and Eve. We are enjoying our courtyard and the peace and quiet at our end of the complex. Chris and Amy visit..that's awesome! It's the perfect place for use to get back to the joy of sharing life together...we've been missing that for the last few years.

I am almost done with classes. My Master's will be conferred in August and it's on to my PhD program in September. I am excited and SOOOO ready for it to be over.

Gonna lots of papers. Love to all

Monday, April 4, 2011

Back to the beginning

Finally, the countdown to the move has come near a close. The big day is Wednesday. Eve and I take possession of the townhouse on Tuesday at 5pm. It has been a roller coaster ride - that's for sure. From cleaning everything to culling away the unnecessary things we have accumulated over the years has been a real chore. Eve mentioned last nigh, though, that it's interesting that everything we own (besides the furniture) fits into a 10X10 room...I reminded her that everything you NEED in life fits into a 2X3 drawer.

Our lives have once again been in complete disarray. First, there is Melvin...the mooch. He works 15-17 hours a week at Kentucky Fried Chicken and his last paycheck was a whopping $70.00 take home after taxes and child support. Eve discussed with him a second job...he's only looking to appease her and choosing to apply for things he is not qualified to do. (he wants to apply for a secretarial position, but doesn't know how to use Word to create a resume. Melvin has moved boxes from place to place for me, but other than that...he sits on the couch and watches five hours of Ghost Whisperer and Charmed. He sleeps till noon everyday, and this past week..complained about not having gas, but can make it to the bar 3 nights in a row - not returning to the house until 4:30am. Eve and I are done...we refuse to help someone who isn't making the effort to help themselves.

Then...there's Chucky who came to Texas to move in with his friend, but ended up staying with us. Chucky already paid rent...puts gas in Eve's truck (because his truck is at the mechanic's shop getting new head gaskets, spark plugs and wires, heater core hose, and his timing re-set. Within 24 hours of being at our house, Chucky had a job and is looking for more work.

The animals are starting to feel the stress of the move now, too...they're more than a little skitzy..smelling every box...chewing then on occasion. The cats don't venture outside very much, now and Frodo will not leave my side. is really my last day to attend to packing...the rest of the time will be spent cleaning, touch up painting, and getting everything situated for the movers. Busy day for me.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Packing, packing, and more packing

Well, I have been packing like a mad woman for the last 10 or 11 days...Seems to be a never ending task. Just how much stuff does two people need??? I learned many years ago that everything I need in life fits into a 2X3 drawer and all the rest is just icing on the cake. Well, no wonder I am so heavy...I have ALOT of icing.

Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel. All of the rooms are packed and ready with incidentals and immediate needs items left out for use. The only room left to pack is mine and Eve's room and that's just the clothing...I will be working on that today. There is the backyard, and the garage left to handle, but a lot of that has been packed or stored, as well.

We're getting close now. Our move is slated for April 7th, but if the unit is available before that date, we're ready. Our garage sale was not a complete bust (155.50), but there really wasn't much traffic that day. I figured it had more to do with being the last weekend of the rodeo than anything. Hopefully, this Saturday will be more lucrative.

School starts again tomorrow..Neuropsyc assessment and neuropsych..hard stuff. I am ready, though.

Gonna go now and get busy packing again...Til Next time

Monday, March 14, 2011


Well, Eve and I have made some pretty big decisions in the last couple of weeks....We're moving - AGAIN. We decided that my PhD. endeavor will be pretty costly, and we have to consider that at any given time, only one of us will be able to cover the living expenses of our home. So...we made a decision to move to a townhome where the costs per month equal less than the total income of only one of us.

Right now, I am not earning any money. The first 16 weeks of my work at MCC will be an unpaid volunteer position. We're living only on Eve's salary and that's tough. She earns just enough to pay all of the bills and there's no margin for error. By moving, we reduce our expenses enough to give us opportunity to put money away and feel secure that rainy days will not end up causing a flood from which we cannot recover.

Melvin will be moving to the new place with us..Not optimal, but we committed to helping our friend get past his current station and reach for more in his life. It'll be okay...for the short time we have allotted him. His magic move out date is September 10, 2011. That's the day I have to leave for Santa Barbara to start my program, so the date may be moved backwards or forwards a week or so. I don't want Eve to feel the pressure of my absence and the discomfort of Melvin's dilemma.

I played mechanic this past week. Eve and I did our rat killing the week before and my car's expansion tank (part of the radiator system) cracked spewing fluid everywhere. I ordered the part to fix the problem and once it came in, I installed it in about 35 minutes. Then, I decided to take a look at what was going on with my driver's side window. It seemed to be off track. Well, I get the door panel off and realize that the window regulator slider is broken and that's an easy 2.39$ fix. I order the piece (with a BMW...seems everything has to be ordered). I went back out into the garage to close the driver's side door until the part came in...In a weird, and freakish, occurrence, the window shattered. It was crazy....Anyway, I ended up having to buy a window pane (60$) and Eve and I installed it ourselves. It's actually, pretty easy. Got the window in, needed another slider so had to order it installed, and wouldn't ya know...that's not the problem after all...apparently, the window regulator itself is not feeling well. So...100$ later, we realize I will still have to take my car to have the window fixed. Oh pooh...

We're having a huge garage sale...that's a lot of work. We were going to have it this past weekend, but two birthday parties, and a migraine kept me from making it happen. We're going to have it this coming weekend, and the following weekend until we're able to get rid of most of what we don't need in the apartment. I think the hardest thing to get rid of will be my piano. Don't know what I will do if I am unable to get rid of's too big for the new place, and we have nowhere to store it. Hmmm...that may be problematic and I may end up having to donate it...I would hate to do that...It's an 1874 H.G. Wagner made of rosewood. It's worth about 56,000$ needs strings replaced (maybe even the whole soundboard) and some minor aesthetic, cosmetic repairs, but the ivories are all in perfect shape and all the original components are still in place. I hate that I won't have room for it anymore.

If anyone knows of someone who would love to have this...don't hesitate to let me know.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Finally knowing for sure

Well...if I ever needed confirmation that I have been pursuing the correct degree; I finally know for sure. I am!! Yesterday was my first training session at the counseling center. I spent 10 hours learning what kind of clients we serve and what services we provide. It was so encouraging to know that I knew so much about the different topics. Ya know...I sometimes wonder if my "book smarts" would be enough toward the practical application of professional psychology. Apparently, I DID learn everything I was supposed to learn. weeehoooo!!!!

I am so excited. Last week was an extremely emotional week for me, and I just couldn't put my finger on what was wrong. Sure, we're having financial difficulties; of course, there's a guest in our home (AGAIN); I am in the last two weeks of classes (that's always stressful). Still, I am a relatively non-emotional person (at least outwardly) and I was crying at the drop of a maxwell house commercial. Eve and I talked about it on Friday evening...I think it was relief. The fruition of something I want so much. The beginning of my life (that's how it feels).

My emotions reminded me of the year I wanted an aquarium. I dropped subtle (mom said they weren't so subtle) hints by bringing books home from the library, and talking incessantly about what I learned about fish, and aquariums for nine months. Well, I just knew I was going to get one for my birthday. My parents made it such a special day. They took me out to dinner and Connie attended. I received the most beautiful gifts and had one of the best dinners in my short 12 years of life. I remember that Connie's attendance made such an impact and made me feel SOOOOOO special. aquarium. I received a beautiful necklace from Connie, and a bottle of Channel # 19 from Chris. Mom and Dad gave me a great card and a ring. It was a jewelry and perfume evening...what more could any girl ask for???? An aquarium, of course. I assumed I had not given the proper hints and that I would try harder so I would receive the aquarium for Christmas. I was not sad, but I was disappointed with myself for not making my desires more clear. So, we left the restaurant (wish I could remember the name of it - it was located in the hotel across from Wieners and the grocery store on the hill by the 290 & hwy 36 intersection). Anyway, we got back to our house and I headed to my bedroom to get ready for bed. I walk in, and there it was - set up, filled with fish - my aquarium! Mom and Dad had the ranch manager come in and set it up while we were gone to dinner. I cried, I cried, I cried...

That is how I felt yesterday...I did it, I have arrived, I will finally do something that makes me feel fulfilled. Oh, I know I still have three years left until I can say, "That's Dr. Andersen", but right now...I am a counselor. I am going to help people help themselves. For as long as I can remember, this is what I have wanted to do...I first realized I wanted to be a psychologist the same year I got my aquarium..weird, huh. The road to this place has been winding to say the least, but at least I continued to walk...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Almost done

Well, this semester is almost over and I am down to my last three classes, plus my comprehensive exam. It's been a long haul, to say the least. Once I finish my Master's, I will have five weeks before starting my PhD.'s only three years. I am so excited.

I will start seeing clients in a couple of weeks. That has me excited, too. I will only be case manager at the Montrose Counseling Center, but it's a start. Everyone has to start at the bottom, so I am thrilled just to have the experience.

Things are going pretty good, here. Melvin is a good house guest (better than we have ever had). He's very neat, doesn't drink, doesn't do drugs, respects our space and our 'territorialism'. He found a car and we're excited for him. Our rules have always been that you have to have a job within two weeks of moving in, and you have to arrange for your own transportation. Well, Melvin got a car on Monday, and today he is going for a second interview at Pizza Hut. He also has a friend who is the manager at the local Kentucky Fried Chicken, so he's going there to seek employment, too. I think he will get his life back together quite nicely. His magic move-out date is September 10, 2011. That's enough time to save enough money for a small apartment and the deposits. We want Melvin to experience the independence that he lost as his family shunned him when he came out. He's spent the last five years couch surfing, job surfing, and that has taken a toll on his self-confidence. We're hoping this experience will encourage him and give him the tools to thrive again.

On Tuesday I posted an ad in the Kingwood paper to give Clark G. away. He's so active, a little aggressive, and Frodo was scared of him. Tuesday evening a lovely couple and their 13 or 14 year old son came to meet Clark and they fell in love with him. They took him home with them and the woman called me three times the next day to find out if Clark was housebroken (Yes, but we have a doggie door - he doesn't know how to ask to go out), if he is crate trained (we tried, we failed), and if he's ever been left alone (yes, and he did fine). Well, yesterday, after about 30 hours of having Clark, the family brought him back to us. Apparently, he destroyed shoes, hats, DVDs, and pottied all over their house. I think it was separation anxiety because he's never been terribly destructive. He does the normal puppy stuff like stealing my slippers, or chewing things that he shouldn't, but he's never chewed up the DVDs (and he has access to them). Anyway...I must assume that he is meant to live with us. He is happy, Eddie is happy, and Frodo doesn't act afraid of him now. We love him very much and it was so hard to give him away...guess we weren't supposed to.

So...guess I have carried on long enough. Sometimes I don't have anything important to talk about..just the need to talk. Thanks for listening....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What a weird house we live in

I have been so excited to have the house to ourselves, lately. Well, all of that is about to change (really, it's already changed).

Chucky has been visiting for a week. That's cool...he's Eve's friend, very quiet, never demanding, easy-going, yadda yadda yadda...But...I am sure he is bored out of his skull. When I asked Eve why she decided to have him come for the week, she said she hadn't really thought it through. Duh...She's gone all day and I am left to entertain, look after (because we know Chucky needs a modicum of looking after), and cook for guests.

On top of that...Melvin asked if he could live with us. I have issues here...Eve and I talked about it (He asked us two weeks ago) and we would never let anyone we know be homeless. Melvin's current place of residence has issued the ultimatum of Feb.29th as the last date he can stay there.

Not even sure what I want to rant about...people can only do to you what you allow them to do... Okay...the kids moved out on a Saturday and Melvin called as we were pulling into the driveway of our EMPTY house for the first time in 15 months...Eve went and picked him up and he spent the entire weekend with us. Then, we had 10 days of no one here...Melvin called, and came to visit for 4 days...Went to pick up Chucky...Melvin home on Sunday...Chucky still here...Melvin calls on Tuesday....Now...Four people here...WTF

Again, no one can do to you what you refuse to we allow this. But why? I think this time I am frustrated because I didn't want to allow anyone to come live with us, but Eve and I agree that we won't let someone be homeless...He IS our friend and he needs a leg up...Guess when we have the big pow wow (after Eve takes Chuck home), we'll decide how long he has (What is his magic move-out date), and what his responsibilities are to the household. We have NEVER allowed anyone to live with us rent free...Even my brother and my son had to pay rent and provide food.

Oh well...enough for now...I am sure I will rant often about this situation.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Finally - my field

Well...I am a happy camper today. I just got a job as a crisis intervention counselor and a case manager for the Montrose Counseling Center in Houston. I have to work the first 16 weeks as a volunteer and then I get to go on the payroll. I am so excited to have this opportunity.

One of the most exciting things about this is that they are currently developing a new program which matches my career interest in GID communities and transgender youth. I will come in on the ground floor of counseling for this population. WEEEHOOO.

This is such a great opportunity for me to apply my education, passion, and love for the LGBT community in a way that I only dreamed would be possible. I am just HAPPY...can you tell?

Monday, February 7, 2011

The letter

Well good Monday morning! Thought I would take a few moments of my day to clear my mind (and heart) of some heaviness.

Yesterday I received an email from Dad. He is always well-intended, but his letters always attack my character in some way. It is a wonder I have any self-esteem, at all. Finally, my collegiate track is right on target with the hopes he has for me. Dad made a compliment sandwich out of my pursuit of a PhD. He's finally proud of my accomplishments and said so in the beginning and the end of the letter. WOW...

On to the meat of the letter...I lack style. My 'package' does not adequately represent the unique and qualified person I am. Dad went as far as to say that I look like an unmade bed. I was critiqued for my wild hair (which I have heard my entire life), my weight (again, I have heard this my entire life), my choice in clothing, and my inability to help shape the lives of those closest to me (Eve and Chris' weight and lack of motivation). Dad vacillated between my looking like an unmade bed, a 1960's hippie, and a 65 year old woman in a sack dress. That's encouraging - don't ya think?

I agree that I could make changes to my appearance that make me look younger, more professional, less quirky, but what do those changes mean. Nothing, really. I like my crazy wild hair and it has taken a very long time for me to learn how to care for it properly. It's frizzy, huge, and getting grayer as I write. A short hairstyle doesn't make me feel pretty, and a medium hair cut is way too much work. Long is easy. I get out of the shower, pull out the tangles, add some mousse and I am ready to go. If I need to look more professional, a nice updo is all that's necessary.

As for my clothing, well...I have what I can afford to have. I own many beautiful pieces, but a lot of my clothes are comfortable and what I need for sitting at my desk researching and writing papers. Case in point...right now I am in my jammy bottoms and a t-shirt, but at lunch bunch on Saturday I was wearing a simple white, collared, shirt under a simple cable knit Ralph Lauren sweater. I had on Ralph Lauren jeans and white tennies. My hair was clean and down. My makeup was minimal, but it was there (I don't wear mascara because it really bothers my dry eye syndrome). I had my small Dooney and Bourke purse with me. Now, how is that an unmade bed? Everything was cleaned, pressed, and fit together nicely. I also had on a beautiful pair of earrings that Tricha bought for me a few Christmas' ago, and one, small, diamond and sapphire pinky ring. Hmmmmm....Not sure what I could have done differently other than to have dressed to the nines and looked ready for a meeting instead of a family gathering at a local restaurant.

I hate how this makes me feel. Oh, intellectually, I realize that I am okay and I look appropriate in any setting, but geez....when you're Daddy thinks you look ugly or unkempt, it's hard to get past the feeling. I AM overweight. I don't try hard enough to get the weight off, either. I could exercise like a mad woman, cut out anything that isn't low calorie, and get to a gym everyday (but without the money for dues, I am stuck with my own work-out program). I could get more modern clothing (here again, without the funds to shop for new clothing, I am stuck trying to modernize the clothing I own). I could be more demanding of Eve and Chris, but why...they are comfortable with who they are, and THAT is what I love most about them.

All in all, I will make some changes to my appearance as I become more enmeshed in the professional world, but for right now...I do what I can with what I have. Thanks for letting me rant and rave.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Volcanos, and sharks, and storms - Oh My

Wow, what a weird world we're in right now. There's so much chaos that sometimes I wonder what is really going on. I halfheartedly joke about 12/21/2012, but there's a deep feeling of uncertainty in my soul. I am not scared, not 'the sky is falling', and definitely not doomsdaying - just noticing.

There are moments when I cannot stop myself from digging deep into my mind for weird tid-bits. It's kind of like a puzzle or a short book meant to clear my head for the next task at hand.

So, in the news is Egypt with its communications and internet block. On the ticker tape at the bottom of the screen is the blip about the Volcano in Japan. The story of the last twelve hours has been the coming of a storm of epic proportions, and finally, a thirty second piece on the swarm of sharks off the coast of Florida. Well, I start thinking...

Isn't the Gaza Strip just a hop skip and a jump from where all the rioting and protesting is happening in Egypt? Doesn't our Bible tell us that's the area where the Apocalypse will start? Why are so many volcanoes erupting, lately? Why has there been so much weird weather this year? What would make thousands of sharks make a mass move and where are they going?

Oh, I could spend hours doing research, re-reading the things I studied during my two years of Eschatology classes, surfing the web for explanations and scientific opinion, but really, that's not what I am in the mood for today. Actually, I am really wondering whether or not I should stock up on water, buy large quantities of beans and rice, fill all the gas cans, stock the medicine cabinet, and make sure there's enough dog food for a long winter. Nah...probably's just change and there's nothing scary about change, right:-)?

See what everyone who loves me has to deal with. The never ending thought processes of weirdo. I like to think about the what-ifs and the maybe so's. I can entertain myself quite nicely...who needs the television. Hah...enough for now, it's time to go count the tiles in the bathroom, I am over the end times (for now).

Friday, January 28, 2011

Getting ahead

Wow...This is the first semester EVER that I have been ahead of my classes with a 4.0 to boot. It was always hard to get started, and constant interruptions made it nearly impossible to complete research and writing in a timely manner. I managed to do it, but - wow - was it a chore. It's amazing how much better I can focus and think about the task at hand when there's no baby noises or weird TV sounds.

The dogs are getting SOOOOO big. When Clark came to our home, he was smaller than Frodo. Now he and Eddie are twice Frodo's size. They both weigh 22 pounds (as of three days ago). They are a complete mess...mostly potty trained (they both still have peepee accidents when they're excited or it's really dark. They are able to make it through the night without a potty excursion at 3 in the morning and that makes me happy and well rested. They get along very nicely with Mr. Frodo and the cats. Java has even decided it's okay to sleep or lay near them without too much fuss. Rilke still keeps her distance, but for whatever reason, she has always been the target of other animal's affections. Poor baby...she hates to be social and they just force the issue.

Eve has a wonderful new opportunity at work. She is being trained for extreme safety so she can go out on rigs. Her first job, after training, will be a month in Brazil on the Leo Seqarious rig. I am excited for her! It's an awesome opportunity to get outside of her comfort zone, learn new things, and see some interesting places. It'll be hard at first because I have trouble with being alone in a house at night. I am scared of everything! Fortunately, three dogs should keep me feeling safe. I also have Chris and our friend, Rob to call if I get too scared.

Eve and I are looking at houses, now. It just makes sense for us to settle down for good. I am almost 50 and if I don't get on the stick...I will be retirement age with nothing of my own. We found a place that's 3127 sq feet on 2.5 acres for an awesome price. It's rural enough to meet our needs for space and close enough to the city to make life very easy. We're going to look at it this weekend and will keep you posted on the progress.

I have made a decision about my education that will most assuredly make my parents crazy - especially Dad. I have chosen not to go away to school. I am staying in Kingwood. I was accepted at Fielding University in Clinical Psychology with a focus on neuropsyc. It's a bold move. I have a 600 hour residency requirement, so twice a year I have to travel to Santa Barbara, CA for 2 weeks. I also have to go to Austin once a month, and a couple of other locations throughout the year. I chose this program because I get to work with various professors in multiple settings so I get the most of my degree. This is a four year program, but my practicum and internship will be here in Houston. At the end of the day...I still have a PH.D. in Clinical Psychology, just not from Rutgers...I think it's the right move to make, but dread...ABSOLUTELY DREAD...revealing my decision to Dad. Oh well, it is what it is and ultimately, I am the one who is getting this education.

Well, gonna go clean to all

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Oh My Gosh!!!

Last night Eve and I went out to the ranch for a family dinner. First, we had cocktails at the "new 'old' house" (the 1892 farm house that Dad originally owned in the 80s and sold)and looked at all the new things being done. The fireplace is in and it's absolutely the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. The wallpaper, tile, paint choices, and fixtures are all one of a kind pieces of art - all unto themselves. When Dad bought the old place back, I was disappointed. Now, it's just perfect.

After about half and hour looking at everything, we went back down to the "old 'new' house" (the beautiful home Dad built on the property he didn't sell from the original farm house)stood around the kitchen island smelling Dad's awesome burgers, sweet potato fries, and slow cooked beans. Dinner was just perfect. Great conversation, awesome food, and a nice little family gathering (that doesn't really happen that often).

When we got home, Eve and I decided to watch some of the programs we record during the week. We are avid watchers of Bones, Fringe, and Medium. We were happy to see our television friends in their season premiers. But, Oh My Gosh...Medium has been on two times prior in the season, so we were excited to see what this week's fodder would be. I saw the summary right before the show started..."In the series finale"...WHAT?? Eve rewound the segment because she thought I just read it wrong...NOPE.."In the series finale". I never heard one word or rumor about the show being canceled. I know it moved to a different station and different time slot, but never even considered it wouldn't be a part of my weekly recordings.

Eve and I were so affected by what was happening. We sat silently, with our stomachs in knots. The finale was tragic! Joe, our friend, Allison's husband, went down in a plane crash. The girls were all grown up. Allison was finally a lawyer...Seven years in the future. Oh...Joe wasn't gone, he was stranded somewhere - amnesia...No, that really wasn't happening either, he was killed in the plane crash and he sent Allison the message, but she infused her own feelings in the dream. wouldn't be if you were us and you loved these people like we do. Finally, Fast forward 41 years and Allison finally passes away...she and Joe reunite for an eternal afterlife of married bliss. Eve and I cried, we were in shock. It was as though our dearest friends called, excited about their long trip, and then we answered the door to the police asking if they could come in and wouldn't we like to sit...All is can say is, Oh My Gosh!!!! We will miss this family that visited our home every Friday night for the last six years. Joe and Allison have shared their family with us. Their three daughters, Ariel, Bridgette, and Marie have grown up before our eyes...we watched Ariel go off to college for Pete's sake. It's a hard pill to swallow, and irrationally, feels so real.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

comfort food the Southerner

Hey there! Today, I am going to share a simple, easy, and quick recipe for all of those who like Tex Mex. I learned to make this dish while I was still pregnant with Chris (WOW, that's over 30 years ago).

1 pkg Lg. flour tortillas
1 can wolf brand chili w/o beans
8 oz shredded cheddar
8 oz shredded mozzarella
1 Lg onion
2 med fresh jalapenos (if you want some extra spiciness)
1 Lb lean ground beef

Brown the beef and onions in a skillet until onions are clear

Heat tortillas until nice and bendable

Spray 9X13 casserole dish - heat oven to 350

Roll an ample amount of beef and onion mixture, two cheeses, and jalapeno into one tortilla and place in dish. Continue this process until your dish is full.

Spoon uncooked chili over the top of the entire tortilla rolls, making sure to have chili covering the edges of the rolls. Sprinkle more cheese over the top of the prepared casserole.

Bake at 350 for 30-40 minute or until heated through.

NOTE: You can substitute any chili you prefer for the Wolf Brand - including homemade chili (I use this because the consistency is perfect, and the flavor is not overpowering). Any of the items can be exchanged according to preference; however, corn tortillas do not really work out, and chicken doesn't really blend with the chili very well. If you want to make these with chicken - there's an entirely different recipe to replace the chili.I have made the dish with Monterrey Jack and Fiesta Blend (it's okay).

This is an awesome dish for large groups. Most men can only eat one or one and a half of these enchiladas. People have always raved about it. I serve it with a fresh salad and chips and salsa.

Enjoy...let me know if you love it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Terry responded to one of my blogs and I realized that I am so self-indulgent on this forum. Not that she made any mention of, she asked if I ever posted recipes. I thought about what I post and, recipes (unless you count the recipe for stress reduction a few months ago). So, today I want to share a couple of my MOST FAVORITE recipes.

Curried Chicken and broccoli:

4 chicken breasts (cook in a skillet with a small amount of olive oil, salt and pepper for approximately 30 minutes and set aside)

2 boxes frozen broccoli SPEARS steamed until tender (not limp) - set aside

1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup mayonnaise
1 tsp yellow curry
1/2 tsp lemon juice ( I like freshly squeezed, but the bottled kind is okay)
1 stick real butter - melted
1 cup plain bread crumbs
1 cup shredded American Cheese

In a small mixing bowl - combine first five on the list of ingredients. set aside.

Arrange broccoli in a 9X13 casserole dish (I usually spray the dish with Pam, first), then place the chicken breasts on top. Sprinkle the shredded Cheese over the chicken sections. Spoon the curried mixture over the top of each arrangement. Sprinkle the bread crumbs over entire dish. Drizzle the melted butter until you think there's enough to make the crumbs brown in the oven.

Bake the entire dish at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes until the bread crumbs are brown and the entire dish is bubbly.

This is an awesome "ladies" lunch! Serve each broccoli section of chicken breast on a small plate and add a beautiful fruity or simple salad. If you want to serve this as a family meal...we make some rice and serve it with that. ENJOY!!! Everyone will want your recipe.

If you make this...let me know what you think. Let me know if you tweaked or changed anything.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Ya know, I have read so many different books presented by Doctors and Gurus about how to get your life in balance, clear your mind of negativity, move your spirit into the realm of awareness...yadda yadda yadda...I like these books. They all say basically the same thing, though. Our souls are old, everything on the planet is connected, and every single thing emits energy.

Hmmm, I have always believed that. You can go somewhere and feel wonderful, you can be totally in love with the look and the smells, and the overall 'feeling' of the area, but after a have used up all the energy and it no longer fits around your shoulders as the same fuzzy, warm stole of satisfaction. You can find a person who totally complements you - makes you feel whole. And then, the wild, erratic energy that danced around your heart in the beginning does one of two settles in and makes your heart beat slow and steady, or it frizzles and frazzles making you just a little crazy. Fortunately, I have not used up the energy of my home, and I have the eternal engine rather than the lightening storm in my relationship.

Last night I really started thinking about all the things I learned from those books I have. Eve and I did our kitchen dance to get dinner accomplished. We love that time together chopping, buttering, stirring, loading the washer...all in a beautiful, synchronous ballet of knowing our partner's next move and next need. Afterward, we sat on the couch to watch television and the house was calm. All the animals were sleeping around us, whether on the floor or the back of the sofa, and there was peace...sweet, simple peace. Don't know why I was amazed by that. I know what I believe, and I have known for a long time that the energy in our home was disruptive, and often, quite negative. I guess what amazed me was that the animals - who for the last many months have been crabby and exhibiting hiding behaviors - were so restful.

Everything, every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow. This experience is no different. I think Eve and I had forgotten what it FELT like to be alone. Oh, we had a picture in our mind, we had the memory of those brief times in the past, but until last night...we had forgotten who we were, together. We had lost sight of how our energy is light and soft. Our energy is loving and just enjoys the simplicity of spending time in the same place at the same time. Interestingly, our viewing of choice was Eat, Pray, Love...what a wonderful journey. I am glad we saw it - together. the Gurus of print, of television, and of spoken word...I am eternally grateful for their guidance and their patience.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Just Thinking

Ahhh...I was awakened at 5:45 am by two whining puppies who needed to potty so I thought to myself...I am up...may as well stay up. Put the puppies out, made a pot of coffee, disbursed the animal treats, filled the food bowls, took out the trash, put away some things left out (by you know who), and logged on to my laptop.

Saturday night the kids slept in their own apartment. I was useless the entire day, as I had a migraine to beat all migraines. It wasn't until after 5pm that I was able to move around at all. Even though I didn't want to, I went to the kids apartment for dinner. It's cute, a regular apartment, but with great space and nice closets.

As we were pulling into the driveway to spend time in our quiet, empty house...Melvin calls and needs a place to stay for the night. HMMMMMM...okay, it's not like I don't feel good or anything. I was too tired and too crabby to argue the point with Eve, so Melvin came and stayed until 6 pm on Sunday. WEEEEHOOOO

Sunday was productive, though. Even though my tongue was thick and my head was achy, I really wanted to get some things done to make my house feel like my own again. I moved the office back into the back room. Eve connected all the cabling and wiring necessary to operate the router, printer, three computers, television, and cable box. I cleaned out the small guest room (which is where I moved the office from) and re-hung pictures. Gathered all the things the kids still need to pick up and it fills half the room they were using. Thoroughly cleaned the guest bathroom, and now I feel like I need to call anyone who has ever used that bathroom while the kids lived here and apologize for its lack of cleanliness. Eve swept and mopped the dining room and assembled the table we had in the attic (since we gave the kids the large dining room table and chairs). Finally, I cleaned out both guest room closets. Wow, we have a lot of space in this house when it's just me, Eve, and the animals!!!

After all that, we drove Melvin home, went to Frannie and Rob's so Eve could get some measurements for a shelving system she is designing for Robert - got our belated Christmas presents from all. Melvin got us a beautiful picture frame and tea-light holder; the Rojas' gave Eve a Persian sword (it's HUGE) and me a 1974 Polaroid camera that still works (I LOVE it). We made dinner plans with Frannie and Rob for Wednesday night. Enchilasagna (Frannie's specialty - enchicladas made like lasagna). Then over to Chris' to loan them a fan. Place was clean, kids were already in bed and he seemed quite happy. Next, to the grocery store to pick up cat food and some groceries for a few days. Finally, to Speedy Stop for gas and then home...home sweet home...

So, for the first time in 15 months, 4 days, 8 hours, and 25 seconds (not really, but I do know it's 15 months)I awakened to a house with only me, Eve, Rilke, Java, Frodo, Clark, and Eddie (well, Azul - the kids Beta is still here) ready to start the day. It's an awesome feeling!!!

For now...I will shift my thinking to the necessary things I must do...papers due, annotated bibliography to complete, finish the last of the house keeping, and think about red beans and rice for dinner. Love to all!!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011


Just wondering how is it that an argument can ensue over a brand of Dog food, but I dare not mention belching, burping, noxious fumes, refusal to load the dishwasher or The Home Depot expenses. Just wondering. Everything is supposed to be a discussion and agreement..not a statement...I am actually asking! Our new puppies needed food and I did a little internet research, consulted the feed store staff and concluded that a particular brand, which is all natural and contains no whey, wheat, or soy was a really good choice for their development. They are only 8 weeks old and whatever is chosen to feed them is only a short time into their lives. I could understand if they had been eating the same food for years...but, come on...REALLY

Chris and Amy have gone to turn in their application, pay their deposit and choose their unit. I am excited for them. It's the fun part of moving. I am going to throw them a housewarming party and will post their wish list on Facebook. They don't have much...I know they need pots and pans, and living room furniture. They need bedding (because they only have the sheet sets that are on the beds now [which are mine])...

I am sitting here in my absolutely quiet home and thinking to myself that this is the way it will be from here on out. The dogs are napping, there are no televisions or noise makers running, the laundry is done and put away, the toys (dog and child alike) are put away, there are no dishes, and everything is in its place...the only sound is the motor of my computer, the tapping of the keys, and the occasional exterior noise muffled by the walls and glass that make my home. It's very peaceful. I like it!

Gonna go...I have a lot of writing to do and should attend to that rather than my rhetoric.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My - how things change

Well, the time has finally arrived. The kids are embarking on their life - on their own. Chris and Amy have finally decided that they have to make their own way in this world. They are both enrolled in college, now; they have made plans and budgets and decided that it's now or never. Eve and I are thrilled about that. Not because they're moving out of our house (although, that's something we've been hoping to see quickly), but moreover because it's time for them to build their own life together without the pressures of others rules and restrictions.

It's going to be quiet around here. I so enjoy the solitude and quiet of the mornings when no one but me and the animals are moving about, but I will miss the noises of people who mean so much to me. It's just change, and change is difficult. Now I will have two extra rooms in the house to use just as I wish. I think I will move my treadmill and other exercise stuff into one of the rooms, and use the other for a small guestroom (daybed, chair, small desk. It'll be nice to walk into ALL of my rooms and find them neat, orderly, and exactly the way I want them.

Finally, I am going back to work after a month off. I needed the time to catch up, breathe a little, and get myself ready for this last semester of classes. I will be grooming again. It's difficult, sometimes, to reconcile that I have two bachelor's degrees and am less than 6 months away from a Master's and am working in an industry completely removed from the industry I am passionate about. I try to convince myself that because the money is so good in the grooming industry that it's worth it, but then again...I think maybe I am just rationalizing. I will be working for PetsMmart...the corporate brouhaha that I hate, the long hours that I cannot control, the rules and regulations and sales expectations...ughhhhhh. Oh well, without my income, Eve and I cannot meet our financial obligations and I must do what I must do. At least I have a job!

So, enough banter and ranting...I must work on some papers and prepare my annotated bibliography, which is due on Tuesday.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blinging, Singing, and ringing in the New Year

This was a really nice, and festive New Year! We had a house of full of the people we consider close friends and all of us played Rock Band until 11:45pm, December 31st, 2010. With glasses of champagne in hand, we toasted the entrance of 2011 with singing, hugging, and kissing. It was a wonderful evening and, certainly,seems to set the mood for this New Year.

Things will be changing so quickly this year. There's only 5 months left of my master's program...weehoooo. There's a trip to Jersey in February to meet the professors, tour the campus, and check out the neighborhoods. There's the move to Jersey in it really only 8 months away? Seems like it was just a minute ago that we were talking about a year and a half not being so far. Chris will be working on an ambulance soon - so we won't be seeing very much of him. The boys are growing like weeds and all the baby stuff will soon turn into pre-school shenanigans. Ahhhh...if they could stay itty bitty forever. Clark will start growing and by the time we move to Jersey...he'll look like a full grown boy.

I have been thinking about how much has happened in the last seven years. Believe me, there's been a lot. I came home from an extended vacation on January 21, 2004. I started sharing my life and my home with the most wonderful person on April 7th, 2004. My cats will be 7 this year. Our family has grown and I have four grandchildren I get to see, one I never see, and one we don't believe belongs to us - still...I am blessed with the future of six families added to my Holiday celebrations (I might be one of those grandmas with six grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren; 24 great great grandchildren...whoa...that's a lot of folks. It could happen - I might be 90 when it does, but could happen.

This year is going to be awesome...I feel it in my bones! I wish for all those I love and cherish to have that same wonderful feeling and to pursue their heart's desires in 2011.