Monday, May 31, 2010

Baby Viruses

Well, we have made it through another weekend. Gage is here to visit until Tuesday. His birthday was on Saturday and we had twenty people here. Amy's little brothers (6,8,10) stayed over Friday and Saturday...that made for seven children ages 8 months to 14 years old yelling, burping, laughing, jumping, dancing, singing, fussing, arguing, in and out, in OR out!!!!, sleeping, and every available blow up mattress, sleeper sofa bed, and day bed this house possesses. Well...On Saturday night...Friday night the kids camped in the back yard. They pitched our big 8 man tent and dove in. We peeked out there and they were sitting up playing games..Chris was going to wear a Halloween mask and scare the living daylights out of them; but, we opted to make it a nice and safe place..didn't want them all rushing back into the house screaming about monsters and needing their Mommies.
The birthday party was Amy's first ever attempt at hostessing. She did a really good job preparing for the party and making sure she covered all the bases concerning food, drink, appetizers, etc. She also did a good job of being hostess. It's a hard balance to mingle and partake in the party while you're also stressing about food. One major gufaw...never leave the party for supplies once it has begun...SEND SOMEONE ELSE. Amy left with her Mom to go get cheese or something. Next party that won't happen.
Kaleob has a virus. Apparently, there's something goin around that is only affecting small children. High fever is the only outward symptom. Chris and Amy took both boys to the emergency room, after speaking to their primary care physician, to be checked out and have lungs listened to. All baths. Again, Sunday night, back to the emergency room with Kaleob. Unable to stay awake all day...fever spike to 105.1 three times. More cool baths, switch every two hours between motrin and tylenol..try, try, try to get the baby to take liquids. It's the hardest thing in the world to not be able to do anything for a sick baby.
This morning, he's better. Still running fever, but smiling and happy. We have a wet washrag on his head...started doing that yesterday. Alcohol wipe downs, cool baths, and the washcloth...he looks so cute.
I have a five page paper due on Tuesday, so I'll be working on it for the next couple of days. Not stressing...just a reaction paper.
Worried for my sister in-law and her family. They're going through some really tough times with their business. I know it'll all be fine in the end. They'll make it through and come out stronger at the end of the day. They're in my prayers.
Love to all! Many thanks to all those who served in the military and continue to serve so that I have the freedoms I have today.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What a ride!

Driving to Louisiana on Thursday cost more than a few tanks of gas. On the way home we had a blowout on the rear passenger tire in Eve's car...85$ to replace the tire, rotate and balance the rest. Lost wages for two days (since we didn't get home until 6:30 am and Eve couldn't make it to work on Friday) 220$. Six tanks of gas (4 to get there and back and two to have gas for the rest of week upon return) 240$ and dinner at IHOP after graduation 35$ It's no wonder that people think money drops out of mine and Eve's rear end....we find the means to do what we need to do at our own expense and with no regard from others. Hmph...685$ to make that trip and bring Rhonda and the boys home with us. UNBELIEVABLE - yet Eve and I continue to do those kinds of things...

Am I complaining? I know I am, but sometimes I just have to write it all down to get a handle on why I am stressed out and feeling used. I am firm believer in the fact that people can only do to you what you allow them to do...I allowed...we allowed ourselves to be put into the position we're in. We never go out to eat, never get to the movies...never purchase anything new that isn't a necessity....we pay our bills a month in arrears and only enough to avoid disconnection...all so we Chris, Amy, and the babies have a place to stay...all so our friends can have a place to visit....all so we can occasionally drive to Louisiana to see the people we love.

Oh...enough of that...this too shall pass. We'll be fine once I am through with school and start to practice. It's the people and the passion we have for life that makes all of this hard work worthwhile. Every once in a while I feel the need to whine and complain about how hard this is....I have a home, I have food, I have the people I love...It could always be worse.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Getting it all in order

Well, the visitors arrive in approximately 30 hours. I have a list of things needing to be done before the houseguests make it next to impossible to complete mundane tasks. Most of them have been completed. House chores, mowing and weedeating, cleaning out the pantry and the fridge, making space for extra people's clothing and's a lot to think about and I am sure I have forgotten something really important, but oh well, it's just friends coming...

Tomorrow we are heading to West Monroe, Louisiana to attend J.J.'s high school graduation. We're so proud of his accomplishment - there was grave concern he would not make it. Once the ceremony is over, we will eat at one of the two establishments open after 9pm...IHOP or Waffle House (WEEEHOOOO...I love eggs and bacon!!). Then it's over to Rhonda's to load the suitcases and people and head back to Kingwood. We won't be home before 4am. We could opt to spend the night and leave first thing in the morning, but Eve has to be at work on Friday....she'll be sleeping on the 6.0 hour drive home.

Gage's birthday party has been changed to the following weekend. That works out better all around. People who couldn't come because of work are off that weekend. AND...Gage's birthday is actually on the day of the party. It's a luau theme...the kids should love the bright colors and, of course, the grown ups always like the tropical feel. I am making a TIkiMan cake...will post some photos when it's done.

Today, I am finishing the final paper for my transtheoretical methods class. I will be bringing lots of reading to do while we're on the trip tomorrow and be ready to write over the weekend for Tuesday submission. Busy as usual.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Have you ever felt hungry, loaded your plate, and then realized your eyes were bigger than your stomach? Umm Hmm, I know you have...we have all done that at least once. Well, let me tell you...I have loaded my proverbial plate and am looking for a salad plate to stop my stuff from touching.

I started my new semester before the old semester finished...Really, is that possible in anyone else's world? Now I am finishing final papers while I acclimate to new classes and beginning of session reading assignments.

I started a new job and fortunately my boss is in London this week, so I am not needed in the office...whew, I was worried about getting the final paper completed while working. I like my job - an executive assistant to a large Oil and Gas trading company Vice President. The pay is AWESOME, and that really does make it worthwhile.

J.J. graduates from high school this Thursday and we're taking two cars to West Monroe on Thursday so we can get Rhonda and the boys back to Kingwood with us. That's two trips to Louisiana in six days. My friends from Louisiana are coming to visit for a month and they will be here this Thursday. I am excited and trepidatious all at the same time. When people visit for more than a couple of days...they sort of move in with you....there's moods, and idiosyncrasies, not to mention, adolescent angst with too long showers invading my routine.

Gage's birthday party is this Saturday and there will be around 20 people in my backyard and milling about my house for several plate is full, my cup runneth over...wish me luck and remind me to breathe.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Waiting around

I am sitting in the classroom 1.5 hours before the session begins because I had to meet with professor and rather than drive all the way back to Kingwood; I decided to hang out here.

Wow, it's quiet! The type of institutional quiet that makes a person so sleepy. I could really use a nap right about now.

I walked over to Einstein Brothers for a cup of coffee and while on my way, I looked at all of the students I passed along the way. Which one of them will be famous later in life? What are the odds that one of them will develop schizophrenia within the next couple of years? Who will get their degree and not be able to find a job? Today's economy is making the Bachelor's Degree about as useful as a high school diploma was 15 years ago.

All these kids look so intent...immersed in their studies...making good grades. Sure, you see the occasional party guy...probably with an Einstein IQ...chasing down his buddies on the path, but for the most part...these people are making a difference in their life and the lives of all who encounter them.

I have to wonder what I would have been like had I gone straight from High school into a four year college. Would I have been participant in sorority life, and football games. Probably not...I am a loner by nature. I would have been as studious then as now.

Guess I am going to go...class will start in 25's been a long Monday already.