Monday, June 28, 2010

Getting over it

Well, finally the house is clear of out of state guests and I can get back to my normal routine around here. It's not that my guests were so bad, they were quiet; didn't demand my presence or require me to entertain them all the time; they didn't eat me out of house and home (other than they were 3 extra mouths-two of whom were growing, adolescent boys); and finally, they did not destroy my antique furniture or put holes in the blow-up mattress. Still, I am so glad to have the house back to its permanent residents.

Everyone would have laughed til they cried had they seen Eve and me with stupid, silly grins the moment the car was emptied and it was just the two of us heading back to our home. Ear to ear, teeth gleaming in the sunlight, huge, unable to stop grins. We wanted to do the happy dance, shout from the rooftops, and call everyone we know with the joyous news! How shallow of us.

Things feel so differently, now. It's more quiet, more relaxed, less stressful, and for me, most importantly - less odors. When there's 8 people pooping in your house there seems to be a constant wafting of offensiveness in the hallway...boys who cannot hit the bowl make for a bad service station restroom - the only thing I didn't have was the key with the office chair chained to it. No matter how often Amy cleaned the bathroom (it is her's and Chris' bathroom while their here)she just couldn't get the smell out. WEEEHOOO, she did it!

We love these people, but if anyone ever needed proof that "guests are like fish...after three days they start to stink" this is it. It will be a very long time (if ever again) that we allow people to come stay with us for an extended period. We made it through without hating them in the end - and that's a good thing. It's taken a full two days just to get over the experience. friends and family...we have learned a lot about what we will accept from people and just how mature we have gotten over the years. We have practiced tact, hospitality, and graciousness and are much better for it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Cathartic approach

Today is housekeeping day and that makes me happy. I get out the bucket, the bleach, the Pine-Sol and all the other cleaning accouterments that make my life seem manageable. Ahhh, sweet joy.

I am so glad Eve understands me. She gets it when I am crabby because I have stepped over the last misplaced item, or moved the coaster to its rightful position for the very last time. She is quick to pick up stuff that she didn't haphazardly throw down. I am fortunate to have the perfect partner.

It's interesting that Chris is so much like me. Father's Day was spent at the water park and he was able to get through the day without his kids pretty easily. We got home and there was a call from the boys on the answering machine. We were all surprised by that. Well, Monday Chris' card arrived with a hand written letter from Dylan. Dylan is the one who is very quick to say that he doesn't like his Dad and doesn't ever want to come visit. The letter said he missed his Dad, loved his Dad, and wanted his Dad to be proud of him for passing the second grade. Chris LOST it. He cried off and on for several hours. Instead of just wallowing, though. Chris went outside and detailed both mine and Eve's car to perfection.

Cleaning is cathartic. It's a mundane task that requires attention and allows you to think deeply about the world, but provides enough distraction to get through the strong emotions of the day. I love to clean!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

How much longer????

Today is exactly one month since our guests got to the house. Can you believe that!! Because of finances, they will be staying until July 10...a full two weeks longer than I had anticipated, and truth be told, 3.5 weeks longer than I had originally agreed.

I really don't understand how anyone can think it is okay to descend upon people for such a length of time. They are completely dependent upon us for transportation, food, housing and entertainment. That's not to say they don't make monetary contribution in the form of gasoline and some food, but electric bill, water bill, and gas bill will most assuredly be through the roof next month.

Then there's the stress of other people in the house who don't care for it, clean it, or love it the way Eve and I do. My many times do I have to say, "DON'T PUT ANYTHING ON THE ANTIQUE DRESSER, ESPECIALLY THINGS WHICH HAVE LIQUID IN THEM!!!!!!"

Anyway, it'll all be over soon and there's no way in heck Eve and I will ever absent-mindedly agree to allow anyone to come stay for extended periods again.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fast Track

Graduate school on the fast track is really difficult. I have always prided myself on my ability to efficiently organize my time, but this work is so consuming that the rest of my world seems to suffer the consequences of my absence. I am thrilled to be so close to the end of my academic journey, but sometimes I cannot see how I will get it all done and be knowledgeable about my field. Just insecurities - I really do have an awesome grasp of what I have learned (I did manage to graduate with honors and still have a 3.89 GPA).

Yesterday, I managed to find some time to attend to my friend, Rhonda. She got a mini make-over. We colored her hair, highlighted it, and cut it into a playful, medium length was fun (well, maybe the part where we waxed her eyebrows wasn't so fun for her). Rhonda looks fabulous!! She's a strawberry blonde, so we went a shade darker to honey brown with golden blonde highlights around her face and on the crown of her head. We stacked the back and brought the front to a nice frame around her oval face. Took several years off her appearance. There's pictures posted on my facebook page.

Lately, so many people I care about are having monetary difficulties. I worry for them and for us. Eve and I are, literally, half a paycheck from homelessness. It's a struggle every moment of every day. We worry about the bills coming in and the money going out. We manage though. In the evenings, we sit outside and discuss how we can make sure to keep our heads above water until I finish school. We cut expenses anywhere we can, we don't purchase anything that isn't an absolute necessity, we don't go out, we don't generate any new bills. It's tough, but we know it'll change and we'll be better for the journey. Our financial minds have matured over the last six years, our relationship has become stronger because we have been forced to deal with ugly matters, and our lives are rich and full even without two pennies to rub together.

Sometimes, we get angry with the others in our lives who complain about money troubles, but then buy season passes to SplashTown, or eat out 5-7 times a week, or go on lengthy vacations, or use their credit cards for wants and beg their creditors for extra time to pay for their needs. Everyone is different - I know that - some people have to hit the bottom before they appreciate the climb or remember the struggle.

Guess, I have gone on long enough. Back to studying and writing.